This site contains explicit writings on kink practices, dominant/submissive relationships, and queer kink erotica (among other things). All characters in role play or non-consent scenes are consenting adults. Content warnings are included.
There’s that whole fucking women thing. Yeah, I like that.
It challenges all sorts of compulsory hegemonic systems and encourages new ways of acceptance, tolerance, living, and loving
The community! We have such fighters, artists, activists, lovers – I love our arts and culture, our philosophies, our theories
Drag kings, drag queens, and queer burlesque
That we are a lineage of kisses; because we do not inheret our legacies through our blood-related families, we must claim our heritage through our desire, love, play, and kisses
Getting over the “ick factor” – which is what I’d call a lesbian’s aversion to men (and masculinity) or a gay boy’s aversion to women (and femininity) – and creating alignments with all sorts of genders within the queer spectrum
The synthesis of feminism, gender, and sexual revolution
The brilliance and hilarity of our (mainstream) queer celebrities – Ellen, k.d., Harvey Feirstein, John Waters, George Michael, Jenny Shimitzu, Rosie – and our media – Better than Chocolate, But I’m a Cheerleader, Bound, Queer as Folk, Brokeback Mountain, Will & Grace … and dozens more. They really are forging through.
The Pride Parade & Dyke March. Stonewall. Knowing where I come from. Honoring traditions, and making new ones
I do have a great toaster oven from all those young’uns I’ve converted …
you can stop at #1 for me. not that the rest are unimportant. i can take or leave the rest, but i'll ALWAYS love making love to women.
i <3 four and five. y'know i almost decided to audition for a burlesque company earlier this year? ;)
em: glad you're on my side, too :)
1. We have our own (fabulous flags) and symbols
2. Some of our theorists have broken barriers around for centuries (Feinberg, Bornstein, Bem, etc)
3. We are more ok with using sex toys, which are AWESOME (sorry, still on my sex toy kick)
4. We’re so powerful that they discuss usin political circles on a daily basis
5. One word: Rainbows!
6. Like the Jews, we always persevere against prosecution. I’m a Jewish queer…what does that mean?
7. It’s trendy to be a vegetarian
8. Many out celebrities are h-o-t.
9. It’s quite empowering to be seen as subversive and challenging the gender and orientation binary
10. Because there are people like you on my side ;) Awwwww….I am so cute (not)
I feel like #5 is waiting to become a kick-ass poem. y’know:
we are a lineage of kisses;
we do not inheret our legacies
through our blood we must claim our heritage
through our desire
or something.
Makenzie: yes that’s exactly it. I have had that line kicking around in my head for many years now / I love your beginning here.