This site contains explicit writings on kink practices, dominant/submissive relationships, and queer kink erotica (among other things). All characters in role play or non-consent scenes are consenting adults. Content warnings are included.
Updates forthcoming. Meanwhile, watch S. Bear Bergman read the first chapter from his book Butch is a Noun, which is called What Butch Is – read along from the PDF excerpt available at Bear’s site.
One of my favorite quotes? “Licking pussy is chivalry without pants.”
That was compelling and thoughtprovoking. and lighthearted and queer. I loved it; thanks Sinclair.
I don’t want to ruin it for everyone, but I cannot believe the awful grimace that the girl behind him has on her face. Awful. She should have known she was being filmed, but apparently she was more concerned about ensuring that Bear did not seeing her upturned nose. I’m displeased with that. But very pleased with such a clear, concise reading on butch identity :P
I think she's attracted to Bear.
i LOVE this piece. especially, as you pointed out, "licking pussy is chivalry without pants."
avarice: i'd say it's more of a gawk than a grimace. but awful, yes. ;)
Sinclair – Oh. I may have been wrong. She certainly does spend a lot of time looking forward, toward Bear's um. bottom. Perhaps you're right. I'll give her that.
I'm mostly kidding :)
i am so upset that i gave my ex my copy of this book for her birthday.. i wish i could take it back.
it's an amazing, wonderful, eloquent book.
A first haloo. Thought I'd put it on this post, even though it's beginning to get a few weeks' stale. But it was such a delight to hear S. Bear Bergman reading this excerpt. Thank you for posting the video of it.
Thank you, also, for your corpus here, which I've been catching up on in fits and starts with snatched time. Only recently found out about you, after seeing the copious nominations for your blog for the Best Lesbian Blog of the Year. For which you've made finalist, and for which I would like to heartily congratulate you. [tips brim of baseball cap]
brilliant excerpt. my favorite part… "If there's two butches on the date, they shouldn't be. Or they should. In any case, they arm wrestle for [the check]."
haha. yes,i couldn't relate more…and i always lose an arm wrestle to my [prof athlete] butch. but hey, who needs muscle power when you've got incredible boyish charm?