This site contains explicit writings on kink practices, dominant/submissive relationships, and queer kink erotica (among other things). All characters in role play or non-consent scenes are consenting adults. Content warnings are included.
Sugarbutch Chronicles is a finalist for the Lesbian Blog of the Year Award from The Lesbian Lifestyle! Thanks so much to all of you who nominated me. There’s one more step in this process, which is to VOTE HERE for your choice.
Voting started yesterday, and I’m currently in last place, so I’ve got some catching up to do!
I’m really grateful SBC is getting some “lesbian blog” attention – I’ve been in the sexblog circles for a while now, but it’s been harder to break into the lesiban blog circles. It’s still very edgy to talk about sex so directly, so while I occasinally get a link or a mention or a comment from a lesbian (non-sex) blogger, I still feel like I’m the blog that someone points to and giggles and shyly reads in the middle of the night in the dark by laptoplight.
One of the goals of this blog, too, is to encourage lesbian sex & sexuality in ALL its various forms and manifestations, to spark conversations about gender and kink and power and sex in whatever ways might feel good to you and your lover. I’ve joked that my tagline should be “combating lesbian bed death!” and I still see that as one of my underlying missions of writing smut at all.
I always, always appreciate any feedback and discussion and conversation – that’s the best part of it, really, is sparking dialogue and opening up communication about pleasure and love and sex and smut and kink and play and sexy girls and all that great stuff!
So thank you, for the small moment of recognition – I really appreciate being a finalist, and I am in such fine company! Dorothy Surrenders and Lesbian Dad I read every day and really enjoy.
Lesbian Dad is so well written, and I just love the photos of her kiddos. Read Baba: a name I call myself as an introduction to how she came up with the mama-papa hybrid name for the “other mother”, the “non-biological” lesbian mom.
And how much do I love Ms. Snarker? Let me count the ways: the sassy L-word commentary, the Tina Fey Tuesdays (especially: What? Sexy? You are. Shut up.), and crushing on Jodie Foster … I have more of an appreciation of the heteroflexible gals in celebreality after reading this blog, I gotta tell you.
I haven’t been reading This Girl Called Automatic Win and Hahn at Home, but I’ve added them to my reader and will be starting to read them as well.
Last year, my buddy Curly McDimple won TLL Blog of the Year Award, and damn, her place is pretty great too. She’s kind of busy honeymooning with a particular hot poet as of late, but I still run into her for drinks on occasion.
Here’s a list of all the Finalists:
This Girl Called Automatic Win
Hahn at Home
Dorothy Surrenders
Lesbian Dad
Sugarbutch Chronicles
And, what else can I say? Cast your vote until March 3rd.
Congrats on your nomination. I voted for you!
Totally voted for you already – in fact, I think I was your first vote:)
I so appreciate your writing – you were the first blog I encountered to write about sex so openly and with such raw passion. Your writing has opened me up to the point where I am starting to feel comfortable writing about sex on my own blog….for so long I only wrote about the emotional side of my coming out transition – but lets face it, this is a totally sexual transition too.
Anyway, thanks for writing, thanks for making me think about things in a new way, and thanks for pushing me ahead in my own writing.
You rock my world
hey thanks!!
Congrats! A well-deserved nomination! It’s a great list of nominees this year. So awesome. Good luck!
Speaking of drinks, let’s have some soon. Work is quieting down a bit and I’m also done rehabbing my apartment.