This site contains explicit writings on kink practices, dominant/submissive relationships, and queer kink erotica (among other things). All characters in role play or non-consent scenes are consenting adults. Content warnings are included.
If you’d like to be included on the password email list, leave a comment with your email (and blog URL, if you have one) and I will update you with the password when I write a protected post.
I’ve written a few password-protected posts lately, mostly they are private journaling about my own process and thoughts, which is why they aren’t public.They are not some secret smut stories, or half-naked Thursday photos, though they may be, in the future.
I’m sure y’all know that I’m happy to reveal quite a lot about myself, though sometimes my own process feels not only self-indulgent but, occasionally, too intimate for the general internet public. Especially as this little writing project has gotten bigger and bigger, I seek a little more privacy on occasion.
But, on the other hand, personal self-reflection and processing is precisely why I started this writing project almost two years ago, and I gain such tremendous insight through writing out my process and my thoughts, as well as through the useful, constructive, responsive, and supportive comments. Sometimes readers have such insight into what’s up, and I so appreciate that feedback and conversation. Other times, readers tell me they are going exactly through the same thing, or that their girlfriends are just like me, and I find so much value in the sharing of our stories, in the places we are similar.
I don’t want to entirely lose the ability to write through my process here, but I had to do it slightly differently now that this site has grown. Hence, password protection.
Leave a comment if you’d like to be included on the mailing list to receive passwords in the future.
i love the name sugarbutch ;o)
Thought provoking website that resonates with some of my own feelings. I'd like 2 B included in your mailing list.
Love your site. Love how you are writing about sex and gender. I would really like to be able to read the password protected posts, and be able to contribute my thoughts. Thanks for the fabulous Matt stories.
Love your site, looking forward to hearing more from you!
I was recommended your blog as exactly the thing that I am looking for…………they were right, please may I have a password