
accessing the protected posts

This site contains explicit writings on kink practices, dominant/submissive relationships, and queer kink erotica (among other things). All characters in role play or non-consent scenes are consenting adults. Content warnings are included.

So the former password protection post is spilling over with requests. With the intention of me not missing requests for access to the password protected posts, this is the new post where you leave a comment.

It would be best if you left your website, too, even if it’s your myspace or facebook address, as I’d like to know you’re a real person. You can email that to me if you’d rather it not be published publically. It’s not a requirement, if you don’t have one, but I’d appreciate it, as these are very personal writings.

About the password protected posts:

They are primarily my personal journal entries: reflections on my relationships, and my real life sex stories. Sugarbutch started so that I could have a place to reflect on my relationship difficulties, which included the problems with my relationship with my ex where I wanted to be more butch (and wanted her to be more femme) but felt unsupported to explore that, and the problems we were having with sex, which was that we were having none. It evolved into a place where I processed my relationship with another girl that I immediately got involved with, and when that relationship ended spectacularly awfully, it has been chronicling my evolution back to myself, my committment to myself, my “aspiring stud”-ness in trying to get laid, and trying to get my shit together such that I can enter into a healthy, stable, positive, committed relationship again.

Meanwhile, though, it has been lots of gender theory. Lots. And some smut stories. Which are also fun.

And as I’ve gained a larger and larger readership, the personal stuff is entirely too exposed, so they have gone under password protection. I still want a place to write about my relationship evolutions, and I still love having writing and blogging as a medium to explore my own sense of self, so I tend to write a few of these a month.

So, if you’d like to read the personal posts, leave a comment at the beep and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.


Published by Sinclair Sexsmith

Sinclair Sexsmith (they/them) is "the best-known butch erotica writer whose kinky, groundbreaking stories have turned on countless queers" (AfterEllen), who "is in all the books, wins all the awards, speaks at all the panels and readings, knows all the stuff, and writes for all the places" (Autostraddle). ​Their short story collection, Sweet & Rough: Queer Kink Erotica, was a 2016 finalist for a Lambda Literary Award, and they are the current editor of the Best Lesbian Erotica series. They identify as a white non-binary butch dominant, a survivor, and an introvert, and they live outside Seattle as an uninvited settler on traditional, ancestral, & unceded Snoqualmie land.

270 thoughts on “accessing the protected posts”

  1. Danee says:

    Your writing is important to me. I'd like to have access to those posts that are too personal for everyone not heavily invested in your work.



  2. Aubrey says:

    I've just discovered Sugarbutch Chronicles and have found your writing to be lush and aware. I would love to have the password to read more of your work. thank you, asd

  3. Tanya says:

    Hey Sinclar,

    I don't know how I've gone this long reading your blog and without attempting to get the password for the protected entries. Maybe it's because my partner has the password and we often read your entries together.

    I'm a fan. I've linked to my blog as evidence of my real-person-ness. I linked to your poll in my most recent entry (well, the entry after the guilty pleasure post about cute animals).



  4. Kelsey says:

    Your posts help me understand my own sexuality/gender. I'd like to read the personal ones.

  5. Pierre says:

    I love your writing and learn heaps about myself and my partner from it.

    Pretty please could I have the password?

  6. Nikki says:

    I just discovered your writings and i must say you have quite a gift. Very vivid and lush. I would enjoy very much being able to read more of your posts. So if it pleases you, may i obtain the password from you?



  7. I find your entries extremely thought-provoking on many occasions and just plain hot on many others. I would definitely appreciate being able to read all of them. Thanks very much!

  8. Rajan says:

    Hey Sinclair,

    I just read your blog ‘Unthought Known’ and thought it was fantastic.
    Would you please let me have the password for your posts.

  9. Babs says:

    Your blog is like a drug. Your unique style of writing encourages me to be myself in my own writing. Your intimate discussions on sex, sexuality, gender, and all the issues in between keep me thinking. I would be honored to have the password.

    plus now my heart won’t have to sink a little every time I see a “Protected” one :)


  10. R.S. says:

    For some reason the Facebook link doesn't work, but I'm still a real person! I'd like to thank you though, for helping me out. I'm confused about my sexuality and this site has helped me figure some stuff out. It's shown me that I'm not the only one out there. I would really appreciate being able to access your password-protected posts.

  11. Your stories that I have read have me mesmerized. you so accurately describe the emotions and passions of encounters… it amazes me.

    I would very much like access to your more private posts.

    Sorry for the repeat, but I included my website in this post.

  12. Kristin says:

    Sin~~I don't know how it took me until yesterday to find you but now I don't know how I went for so long without you! This year I have found myself doing a lot of growing and gaining more insight into my gender identity. You are a rare butch who is able to so eloquently and intimately describe your role in the butch-femme dynamic and I just cannot get enough! You truly help shed light on the intricacies of how and with whom I identify and why, especially when my Butch says that Hy doesn't have the words. I'm a life-long, unashamed, hard core voyeur and I would love to have the opportunity to read more about what makes you tick.

    Very gratefully yours,


  13. Shar Rednour says:

    Hi there–I liked your coverage of Cynthia Nixon's engagement. I appreciate your detective work in finding photos. My wife Jackie Strano and I also are Vixskin fans and your detailed review really hits the spot. Now do I get my password? XO Shar

  14. Alexa says:

    hey there… i find your website fascinating and really well written, and i love the reviews you give, how do i get the password?

  15. Meg says:

    Hey there. I'm a butch, and I love reading the writings of someone to whom I can relate. My FB link isn't working, but I'm Megan McEachin on there…I don't mind if people know that because I can just reject the creepy ones!

  16. Lauren says:

    I stumbled upon your blog a while ago and found your writing to be excellent, through-provoking, and downright sexy. I would love to be able to read your protected posts.

  17. sarah says:

    i've been following your various blogs online for awhile, and ordered a copy of covet from you back in the day… your writing has always had an impact on me. i'd be happy to read further!

  18. Di says:

    I used to have a password – but haven't used it in 5 months (bad grrl). Good excuse – I was deployed to Iraq. Now I'm home and craving some Sugarbutch! Please fill me…

  19. Charisse says:

    SBC is the highlight of my week and I'd love it if I could delve further into the world you so passionately describe

  20. Jo says:

    I would love to have access to your blog. It is one of the few blogs that I can relate to; since finding it, your words have impacted so much of my life. I would love to be able to continue reading.

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