This site contains explicit writings on kink practices, dominant/submissive relationships, and queer kink erotica (among other things). All characters in role play or non-consent scenes are consenting adults. Content warnings are included.
Welcome to the 15th Feminist Carnival of Sexual Freedom & Autonomy! I’m your host, Monsieur du Sexsmith, as we wander around the sex, feminist, queer, and gender blogospheres to bring you some amazing reading, writing, introspection, self-reflection, and inspiration on the subjects of sexual freedom and sexual autonomy.
I’m going to start with a reproduction of the entire poem from pomegranate pen called temararious. Don’t worry, I won’t reprint everything in its entirety, but this was particularly beautiful and I have such a soft spot for poetry. It’s so incredibly sexy and I really felt the inner conflict of BDSM, of coming to one’s own with power and surrender. Make sure you leave comments over on pomegranate’s blog. (ps: I had to look up temerarious. What a fantastic word.)
you make me want to do
what i shouldn’t,
which is to givein. to stay up all night
for the company of your warm and breathing body,
to keep my eyes open in caseyou should want to meet my gaze.
you make me want:
to succumb. to surrender, hands above my head.(reckless abandon,
they call it,
i think.) youforce me to my knees and
make me feel every second
in my body –
we are connected –every atom suddenly becoming
something of us
the sharp focus of my eyes
and your breath filling my lungs
my own blood pounding
faster with each place you touch and
my hips leaning slowlyin –
these are the things you do to me
from across rooms and rivers
(you make me want to do
what i shouldn’t
and you make me want to whisperplease.)
I asked some very specific questions about sexual freedom and autonomy, and these are the 18 particular responses to that question. I know that’s kind of atypical of these feminist carnivals, but I have long thought that this carnival was full of fascinating concepts and was hoping to get some of the folks in my queer sex & gender circles to participate.
I was incredibly touched reading each one, witnessing people’s stories of coming to their own sexual power and understanding their own sexual journeys. Writing and examining our own stories is such an incredibly powerful way to witness our own lives unfold, and that is one of the reasons I adore the writing medium of blogging so much.
I have so much to say about each of these contributions, each of which held revelations for me. But I’m going to let them speak for themselves, with a small excerpt from each piece.
Without more fanfare: let’s get on with the contributions and excerpts.
When or If: When Your Heart Holds You Back
A friend asked that I write about sexual freedom, and being as I am a pretty sex-positive queer kid I figured I’d write about how I got my freedom. What obstacles I’ve overcome to reach the place in my life where I feel free to express my sexual desire, show off my sexuality. … But I couldn’t. I can’t write about that, because it hasn’t happened.
Running Away with the Spoon: Crossing Over
Earlier in our relationship, after we have talked about fucking, we wander into a conversation about how I am her woman, and I say, uncertain of her response, “I want you to be my man.” She pauses for a second, a little surprised, and then says evenly “I am your man. You are my woman and I am your man.” My heart jumps. I have so longed for this, someone willing to cross over into that genderfucking territory with me. but I can see that this is new for her to vocalize, new words for her to speak. So we tread slowly.
Butch Girlcat: Sexual Freedom, Autonomy, & Stone
I accepted the label of stone around the same time I embraced the identity of butch. In both cases it seemed like a matter of accuracy. I’ve written pages and pages now about being butch but very little about being stone. Which only makes sense. We do silence well. She does give me pleasure, oh my god she does, but you won’t hear about it from me, not even if you’re standing next to the bed. I know my face gives me away to her. That’s my version of surrender.
Freedomgirl: Some Thoughts on Sexual Freedom
The word ‘freedom’ is incredibly powerful and meaningful to me, hence the title of this blog. I titled it, and myself, at a moment when my life changed completely; I was realizing just how unfree I had been, for a stretch of time in my relationship, and more largely during my whole life. Unfree to be me, unfree to want the things that I oh so much wanted, unfree to express my sexual desire. […] it’s more than just opening the chains of my relationship; it’s also removing the limitations that I imposed on my own mind and my own desires. Sexual freedom is the new joy in my own body that I’ve found this year. It’s claiming my sexuality for myself, not for my partner or in opposition (or conformity) to some societal ideal.
Miss Avarice: Sexual Autonomy & Sexual Freedom
For me, Sexual Autonomy means having age-appropriate access to the wealth of information that exists about different types of relationship styles, different sexual activities, fetishes, and interests, as well as safer sex practices and contraception. I think this will only happen when we live in an environment that encourages open communication, mutual respect, and an understanding of the important role that sexuality plays in every person’s life.
Uncommon Curiosity: Straight Talk
At this point, keeping track of all the gradations of gender involved in living my life would take an accountant, three maps and a well-trained sheepdog. But I only say “pretty much” because there is still a small spot in my heart that yearns to join the club, to earn my queer patch – if only so the 11-year-old inside me could make it right.
Tina-cious: Freedom is Rarely Free
I thought, at first, [this was] a no sweat kind of question. Turns out, it wasn’t as easy as I thought. Truth is — my sexual “freedom” hasn’t – for the majority of my life – been mine at all. What it had been was the will of my lovers. … All of a sudden I knew what it meant to be allowed to have a say in what sex meant to our relationship. My ideas for new things to try all of a sudden were met with enthusiasm. EVERY sexual deviance I could come up with was open to me for the taking. I just had to vocalize them. Games, role playing, toys, positions, apparatus, anything. All of a sudden I actually felt sexy. Wanted. Lusted after.
True sexual freedom came to me when I started fucking women. I was the initiator, the aggressor, the top. I felt like a whole new world of possibilities opened up for me and soon after, it did. I discovered the online queer community and before I knew it my inner perv resurfaced and I began to own my sexuality and my body once again. I started to come to terms with my gender identity and understand that sex was going to be something I would only enjoy if I was doing things that I desired. I realized that I could experiment with role play, kink, and even a bit of pain. To this day, there is still so little that I am not open to trying, and there is nothing about sex to fear because everything I do is on my terms, and I am 100% in control of it all, even when I choose to surrender that control.
When I came out in my twenties I felt myself very liberated. And in some ways I was. However, shame was certainly preventing me from exploring my sexuality freely and in its entirety. I did make progress in some areas though. … Now in my forties and in the ridiculously late flowering discovery of my essential sexual nature, I feel less shame than ever before. That is not to say I am freed from it, but it certainly withers as my confidence grows.
So what does “sexual autonomy” and “sexual freedom” mean to me? It means that I can enjoy, appreciate and express my sexuality and gender without fear of rejection or ridicule. It means that I finally have the access to knowledge, the experiences of others and the support to explore my emotions, fears and desires. It means that instead of standing still and stagnating, I can move forward, learning and growing as a person. It means I can be me.
[H]aving sex with girls has given me the freedom to access other aspects of my sexuality. Because coming out as gay was easy, but being gay is what gave me the ability to come out (at least to myself) as slutty, kinky, and maybe a little less than gay.
Butchtastic: Don’t fence me in
For me sexual/gender autonomy and freedom are ultimately about self-determination. We should each have the freedom to not only choose our identity labels at any given time, but change them as we wish. I don’t know about you, but my notion of who I am has changed a helluva lot since I came out as a lesbian at seventeen. For the first part of my sexual life, that label and the expected behaviors associated with being a lesbian fit me. I had no desire or need for men in a sexual way. At the same time, I also didn’t relate much to ‘butch’ because of what I saw as a restrictive set of behaviors associated with that label: being less open sexually and emotionally, and taking on what I saw as mostly negative masculine behaviors.
The Verbosery: Finding my Pieces
A woman who personifies the masculine spirit but still craves being fucked like a woman? To me, personally, that’s just about hotter than the surface of the sun. … Part of my journey in understanding my personal relationship with femme was coming into the realization that the stereotypical femme bottom role did not apply to me. I had to come to terms with the fact that femmes top, too. Not only that, but I had to revisit my own personal understanding that I don’t, have never, fallen neatly into given categories. I have always endeavored to forge my own trail, to find the pieces that fit best and felt right for me, personally.
Three-hole Punch Me: On Sugarbutch Chronicles, Sinclair Asked …
To me, sexual autonomy and sexual freedom are synonymous with “owning” my sexuality. This means that I am responsible for putting myself into sexual situations as well as removing myself from those situations when I need to. It means that I decide when I want to have sex, and what kind of sex I want to have. No one else pressures me into it, and I am not forced to do things that I don’t understand or don’t want to do. It means that I am honest with myself and honest with my partner(s) and that we communicate openly and honestly about what we will do together and what the boundaries are. It means that my partner asks for my CONSENT and I do the same for the other person.
Green-Eyed Girl: Sexual Freedom
If asked a couple of years ago what my thoughts on sexual freedom were, I would have laughed and said, “A whip, silly. A whip in one hand and my fingers wrapped around your hair, pulling tightly – that is when I feel most sexually free.” That’s the person I used to be – very much in control & a touch on the violent side (sexually). I don’t know when it changed, I can’t give a specific time when I came to the realization that I am no longer that person. I am fully aware of it though, this huge difference in my sexual behavior. I am also fully aware that it is because I trust her and that is the reason why I have shifted from being a top to a bottom.
A Feminist View: Freedom & Autonomy, Part 1: All Places are Not Alike
[M]y journey to sexual freedom (and autonomy?) is synonymous with my discovery of consensual and safe BDSM sex, and of consensual D/s relationships. With reference to my own past, it is clear that I had no freedom or autonomy as I grew up, and it was only when I came to understand other ways of seeing what was innately in me that I came to have any sense of having control over my own sexuality – that I could own it in every sense of the word. [Also check out part two.]
Sugarbutch: Sexual Autonomy & Freedom
I’m supposed to be writing about sexual autonomy and freedom – so let me tell you this: I cannot untangle gender from sex from power. They are all the spiraling sugar-phosphate backbone in the DNA of my sexuality, and it wasn’t until I unlocked my gender that my sexual liberation truly lived in my body, that my sexuality was truly realized and in practice. It wasn’t until I had a cock – no: it wasn’t until I had a girl who knew what to do with my cock. My gender is the language of my desire, my attraction. The ways I communicate physically. Say gender is a drag, but also say this: I wasn’t me until I discovered my own gendered space.
… and yes, I know this is the longest post in the history of long posts on Sugarbutch, but it’s worth it, I promise.
Read about 20 more posts after the cut.
These are the rest of the fabulous submissions to the Feminist Carnival of Sexual Freedom & Autonomy #15. There’s a lot of really great writing and research happening about sexual rights in the blogosphere right now, and these folks are the engine moving this work forward, and there are some fantastic reads in here. Comment, add these sites to your blogroll & RSS readers, and show the love.
- High on Rebellion: A Response to ‘The Great IUSW Con’
- An Anthology of English Pros: For Number 10, selective dumbness on sex work is a speciality… and Swedish sex crimes up over a third since sex purchase outlawed
- La Libertine’s Salon: Sex Workers As Mutes and For Cara at the F-Word
- Border Thinking on Migration and Trafficking: Culture, Economy, and Sex: Only 10% of alleged trafficking cases in the US confirmed and UK unemployment offices carryadverts for jobs in the sex industry: Wrong or Right?
- Renegade Evolution: Put Down That Pencil, You’re Under Arrest and Sex Workers: Once again, what is best for us
- Better Burn that Dress, Sister: SCOT-PEP’s funding withdrawn and Ideology – an open thread
- Kinsanity: Fetal Fantasies
- Waking Vixen: Reframing Choice: Reproductive AND Sexual
- A Femanist View: Moral Outage!, Fear Imperative, and Objectifying
- The Verbosery: Thank you, Daddy, May I have another? and Femme is Calling
- Eros, logos: body and the problem that has no name
- Remittance Girl: Author Roundtable on Non-Consensual Sex in Erotica
- Feminist Review: Screening Sex
- Womanist Musings: What if Selling Sex is Your Business
- Clarisse Thorn, BDSM Outreach: Liberal, sex-positive sex education: what’s missing and Clarisse Thorn: BDSM Outreach: Vanilla: dissection of a term
- Essin’ Em: Lessons I’ve Learned
- Relationship Underarm Stick: From the “Wha Wha Wha Poor Men” Files and 13 Signs You’re in a Toxic Relationship
OMG I have soooo much to read! LOL
Awesome — thanks for doing this! :)
this is an amazing collection – just what i've read so far. can't wait to catch up on all of it. thanks =)
Thanks for putting all this together for us. I think I’ll have reading material FOR DAYS now. :)
Can’t wait to get it all read!
This is a very interesting thread — and I am going to give my views on sexual freedom a whirl this morning with a post.
Thank you for the shout out! I'll be sure to link back to the thread and the site overall. Looks like I have my weekend reading all lined up.
Thank you so much for asking me to contribute, I am so proud to see my blog up there and incredibly excited to read all these great posts!
Thanks so much for including us! It's great to be among so many interesting articles.
I can not tell you how absolutely perfect the timing of this Carnival is for me.
Essentially, autonomy is what I've been working towards for several years now. And for me it seems that sexual autonomy has been a last and crucial piece for finding/rebuilding myself and it is what I've been intensely exploring online and on my own for the past several months.
I haven't read all of the post yet but intend on doing so. Every single one that I have read, has resonated in one way or another and has taught me something about myself and this journey. So it appears that writings on this very subject are precisely what I need at this point in time, in order to continue growing.
THANK YOU to everyone for writing and sharing of themselves, and especially Sinclair for the work of hosting.
Amazing compilation! You are a fantastic carnivale ringleader.
Excellent stuff, thanks so much.
This is a very fun thread to read — and I am going to give my views on sexual freedom a whirl this morning with a post.