This site contains explicit writings on kink practices, dominant/submissive relationships, and queer kink erotica (among other things). All characters in role play or non-consent scenes are consenting adults. Content warnings are included.
I’m honored to kick off the April Femmethology blog tour! There are four important things in this post, it’s kind of a long one – here’s the breakdown so you don’t miss anything.
- Information about Visible: A Femmethology, a two-volume set of books which is out now!
- A giveaway! Comment to win a copy of the Femmethology!
- Information about the Femmethology release party in New York City, Wednesday April 29th
- Continue on the April Femmethology blog tour by visiting these other great sites. Visit Ellie Lumpesse tomorrow!
And coming up shortly, I’ll be posting an mp3 of me reading my essay, Love Letter, which is included in the Femmethology Volume Two.
Visible: A Femmethology (March 2009)
Order Volume 1 and order Volume 2 through the fabulous Homofactus Press.
Femme–an identity that has caused controversy, celebration and ridicule–is now the topic of a two-volume set from Homofactus Press and editor Jennifer Clare Burke titled Visible: A Femmethology. Femmethology calls the LGBTQI community on its own prejudice and celebrates the diversity of individual femmes. Award-winning authors, spoken-word artists, and totally new voices come together to challenge conventional ideas of how disability, class, nationality, race, aesthetics, sexual orientation, gender identity and body type intersect with each contributor’s concrete notion of femmedom.
Femmethology giveaway!
Comment on this post with one fabulous thing that you love about femmes and I’ll pick one random winner.
What’ll you win? A copy of Visible: A Femmethology Volume Two, which includes my piece, Love Letter. AND in addition, EITHER a copy of Volume 1 OR any other erotica book my writing is in – such as: Best Lesbian Erotica 2006, 2007, or 2009. Look about halfway down on my “Shop” page or in the sidebar (—->) for the complete list.
The books will be sent to me and I’ll autograph them for you, then send them on.
Winner will be chosen at random tomorrow morning, so you have today to enter by leaving a comment.
Come join us at the book release party in NYC!
Visible: A Femmethology
New York City Release!
April 29th, 7pm
Bluestockings, 172 Allen St. in the Lower East Side
Featuring contributors: Ryn Hodes, Sinclair Sexsmith, Sassafras Lowrey, Cameron Whitley, Leslie Freeman, J.C. Yu, Hadassah Hill, & Miel Rose
Visible: A Femmethology is a two-volume anthology edited by Jennifer Clare Burke and published by Homofactus Press of personal essays from over fifty contributors who explore what it means to be a queer femme. Award winning authors, spoken-word artists, and totally new voices come together to challenge conventional ideas of how disability, class, nationality, race, aesthetics, sexual orientation, gender identity, and body type intersect with each contributor’s concrete notion of femmedom.
Not in New York City? Check the Femmethology events page to see if there’s a release party in your area. They’ll be in Vermont, Vancouver BC, Atlanta, & more!
Follow the rest of the Femmethology April blog tour with these great sites:
4/1. Sugarbutch Chronicles
4/2. Ellie Lumpesse
4/3. Queer-o-mat
4/4. CyDy Blog
4/6. Catalina Loves
4/7. cross-post: The Femme’s Guide and Femme Fagette
4/8. Daphne Gottlieb
4/9. Bilerico Project
4/10. Screaming Lemur: Femme-inism and Other Things
4/13. The Femme Hinterland
4/14. Bochinche Bilingüe: Borderlands Writing and The Vagina Adventures
4/15. Dorothy Surrenders
4/16. Miss Avarice Speaks Her Mind
4/17. The Femme Show
4/19. Sexuality Happens
4/20. Queer Fat Femme
4/21. Sublimefemme Unbound
4/22. and Jess I Am (butch-femme couple day!)
4/23. FemmeIsMyGender
4/24. The Lesbian Lifestyle
4/25. Femme Fluff
4/26. Weldable Cookies
4/27. The Verbosery
4/28. A Consuming Desire and Creative Xicana
4/29. Queercents
4/30. en|Gender
And last but not least, visit for all sorts of information about the books. Order Volume 1 and order Volume 2 through the fabulous Homofactus Press.
I love the way femmes get to be so shockingly subversive. People don't look at them and expect the amazing, radical women they are underneath. I love the way they change people's perception of what a dyke looks like:)
just one thing? but i love *everything* about them. ok. i love the way they smell. there, i said it.
What don't I love about femmes?
I love how strong we are in the face of adversity and how we pull together and support our community!
i love how we are constantly fucking with the worlds perception of queer and we do it with style.
an addition to the tour:
4/26. Weldable Cookies
Thanks for kicking this off!
Oh, and my comment is so disqualified.
What do I love? Too much! So I'll just stick to one comment.
I love the simultaneous soft/hard persona that femmes carry. They can be crass and brazen, while also sweet and sensitive. The best parts of femininity, I believe :)
I love how a femme can push me up against a wall and pin me there just by looking at me in "that way."
I love how femmes free femininity from its associations with weakness, softness, even pathetic-ness and vapidity. I love that realizing this has allowed me to own my femininity and call myself a femme!
I love how carefully and thoughtfully Femmes construct their gender. Femmes have their own specific gender presentation that is individual and personal like a fingerprint and is as memorable as a first kiss or a slap.
We think you're fabulous, too!
Thanks for kicking off the tour and for being part of the Femmethologies.
i love the way femme invisibility keeps me looking – watching out for a moment when, perhaps, we will recognize each other. or simply daydreaming about what strangers i run across in my daily life may identify as femme.
I love how femmes of all shapes, sizes and colors will daily bust open the restrictions of femininity shouting, "we deserve to be called by this name too."
Thank you for being part of Femmethology. I'm thrilled that you're hosting.
what i love about femmes (sorry, its three things): i love our resilience, our creativity and how we plain get. shit. done.
I love Femmes because of their confidence. They give off an allure of sexiness and beauty. :]
i love the ways all femmes are fierce, regardless. even if another version of femme doesn't fit my aesthetic, even if i dislike a femme on a personal level, even if we have nothing in common–that bitch is fierce. i respect and adore that about every one of us.
I love the way femmes know while choosing the path of least resistance may ensure their personal safety, choosing another path will likely protect their integrity, and subsequently choose the correct path.
Everything, but if I have to pick one that hasn't already been said, even though it doesn't apply to all femmes, it's that we can play dress-up and make it's queer as hell. So excited to see this book!
I love how we femmes constantly defy definition and categorization. We are unified by our femme identity, but in every other aspect of our lives we are a kaleidoscope of colors and shapes–sometimes with a flashy shower of sparkles! We reflect and refract off of one another, propelling ourselves together and apart with ever increasing intensity. And our intensity is a force to be reckoned with! We will take you apart and put you back together with just our eyes in ten seconds flat if we so choose.
I suppose that's more than one thing…But hearing other people value femmes is pretty new to me, so I have a lot to say. Sinclair, you always make my day better! <3 !
I used to hide myself not wanting to be seen. I love how by embracing my femme identity I have taken back my femininity and been able to redefine it for myself. Whether it's heels or sneakers or hiking heels I am a femme-nist because I embrace my culture and gender on my terms. I am a femme warrior because not only do I fight for my visibility on the daily I use whatever priveledges I have to fight or the dignity & right for all of my beloved queers to be who they be.
the fierceness
the passion
the queerness
heels or chucks or birks or boots.
skirts or jeans or a-lines or garters.
lipstick or chapstick.
gardening or football or theater.
whiskey or cosmos.
the parts of every kind of femme that has paved the way for thousands of kinds of femmes after them.
I love femmes because they are such a beautiful expression of a type of ideal womanhood that I find fascinating. I love how so many are incredibly strong and courageous, even though they look delicate. They're so surprising!
I love how femmes make me feel more gender-bent every time I meet one of them.
this is more abstract than the others but i looooooove the sound of a femme's high heels on wooden floors. it announces their arrival in such a powerful way that's comparable to a tigress growl :)
shoes, baby. shoes and lipstick :-)
I love femmes because they're strong yet oh so beautiful!
I love me some femmes because I like finding glitter stuck to my face and appreciate wrist flicking. I like high tones that express affection and really tight jeans.