This site contains explicit writings on kink practices, dominant/submissive relationships, and queer kink erotica (among other things). All characters in role play or non-consent scenes are consenting adults. Content warnings are included.
Don’t forget, Garnet Joyce & I are hosting a Twitter Porn Party on Wednesday, December 1st at 6pm PST / 9pm EST. Log on to twitter and follow us through the hashtag #pornparty if you’d like to see what we think of recent Crash Pad Series episodes (check out some still photos and descriptions of the scenes we’re going to watch).
Pink & White sent this out today:
“Wednesday, December 1st, bloggers Sinclair Sexsmith and Garnet Joyce will host an online porn viewing party on They?ll be using the hashtag #pornparty so log in and follow @mrsexsmith & @garnetjoyce. They will be watching and commenting on four episodes from Season 12: Episodes 81 (Cinnamon, Chocolate Chip, and 9), 82 (Drew Deveaux and Dylan Ryan), 83 (Tina Horn and Roger Wood), and 84 (Arabelle Raphael and Billy Castro).”
If you haven’t seen the Crash Pad Series, you’re missing out. Seriously. I know there’s that old adage that there’s no good lesbian/dyke/queer porn out there, but that is just not true anymore. Shine Louise Houston is an artful director and has been leading the way in the queer porn headway during the 2000s. If you think porn is too harsh, not tender enough, too much bang-bang-banging, not enough talking, not enough real people—I bet you’ll be surprised by the Crash Pad. With nearly 100 episodes, I bet you’ll find more than a few you really, really like, too.
Join us on Wednesday night! Use Coupon Code 14E for 10% off any level of membership. (Recommend level 2 – video streaming; level 3 – downloads and behind the scenes). Offer Expires December 1st.
I’m giving away a membership today! So hopefully the winner can join us on Twitter Wednesday night. Leave a comment in this thread and I’ll pick a winner at random tomorrow (Tuesday) evening to receive a one month level 2 membership. Comment on this post with your favorite sexy way to get woken up or what you did this morning or something else entirely and you’ll be entered. Must have a valid email address!
I once upon a time thought that waking my partner up by being inside of her would be incredibly sexy, only to find out that she can sleep through almost anything… including four fingers. Waking up to her head tucked into my shoulder, leg thrown across my hip and nipples poking through the layers of my shirt is plenty sexy enough.
This morning, sadly, I woke up alone and got out of bed and exercised in very boring ways.
Tomorrow morning, though, there are plans for sexier wakings-up. I will likely be doing the waking; there will be much teasing until she is all the way awake, but I’ll do my best to make her as smiley as possible before I need to hit the road again.
Is waiting for my turn …….lets Go Crashpad
My favorite way to be woken up is small kisses on my chest and face from my partner, followed by a bite and spank on my ass!
A Crashpad membership would be an extra lovely third to our happenings this week.
Well well look what we have here another porn party.
I like to read different opinions on queer porn. I feel like I use it differently than I utilize other porn.
Have yet to be woken up sexily–this morning I woke up early to check if classes were canceled, then slept until noon when I saw they were.
I’ve never been woken up sexily either.. but if I was, I think was my favorite way would be awaking to find my lover with rope in hand, tying me to the bed.
Today I woke up, took my dogs for a walk, and then went to work. Not very exciting, but hopefully in the future I’ll have some exciting mornings.
I can’t remember the last time getting up involved something sexy. These days I’d settle for a hot breakfast made when I get up :P
I have not yet been woken up in a sexy way, but my fantasy is to wake up with my partner slowly teasing me.
I like to be woken up with a tongue going lazily over my body. Just suck me all over, until I wake up. It’s beautiful! :D
Kisses are my favorite way to wake up, no doubt! My girl and I love Crashpad for the gorgeous queer models and strapons! Fingers crossed.
My favorite sexy way to get woken up is my girl kissing the back of my neck, rubbing her hand down my chest and pressing her hand down towards my boxer briefs. I love feeling her teeth at my shoulder as she pulls me against her.
Kisses on the back and side of my neck are…hmmm… lovely!
A sexy awakening would be nice for once, my girlfriend and I have a kind of lame tame sexual relationship going on at the moment which is tough to deal with because I’m not that type of person. I need excitement and kink and new things to do in the bed.. or elsewhere. This morning I cleaned up catpuke which definitely was not sexy at all, however I love that pussy to death and no.. my girlfriend and my cat are NOT the same person. ^^
I’ve never been woken up sexily either. This morning I was woken up by my alarm, then went back to sleep for half an hour until my roommate woke me up. Then got ready really fast and went to class.
Just waking up next to my lady is a great way to start the day. No extra sexiness required, but its of course always welcome!
I’ve never been woken up in a sexy way, but I’d love to wake up to kisses/nibbles on my neck or side…
i’m always the lighter sleeper so it’s hard to pull any tricks on me in the a.m. – but this thread is inspiring me to be more creative when i’m awake before she is. hmmm.
Snuggling, getting pulled toward her to fit like puzzle pieces, that’s my favorite. It’s the sexist thing I can handle when I’m still half asleep.
Might be too late for the giveaway, but I love me some morning sexy times. Usually I end up being the one waking up the other tho.
Nic’s idea sounds awesome.
While my girlfriend and I usually sleep where I am spooning her, yesterday morning we woke up to find our positions reversed. Usually I am the strong butch with my arms around her, but during the night we had shifted such that I was laying on my stomach and she was holding onto me while halfway laying on top of me. I guess all kinds of cute things can happen when you pass out tangled together after sex.
I’ve woken up once humping my body pillow . . . not sure that counts :)
And in the weird universe of mine where bacon = sexy, being awoken naturally by the heady scent of it being fried up is pretty dang sexy.
Really close cuddling followed by sleepy sex has got to be the best.
I’m sad to say that I can’t think of a way that I’ve been sexily woken up. Clearly, I think too much about sexy ways to be put to sleep instead of ways to wake up.
Right now, most of my days consist of being awoken by my alarm clock, the smell of freshly made coffee or my boys literally lifting my eyelids and saying “wake up!”
Cute, maybe. Sexy? Not really.
i think the sexiest way to be woken up is by the smell of some amazing breakfast…nothing is better than being cooked for, since i am so often the one doing the cooking!
waking up to serious cuddling is often very sexy