This site contains explicit writings on kink practices, dominant/submissive relationships, and queer kink erotica (among other things). All characters in role play or non-consent scenes are consenting adults. Content warnings are included.
Oh hello there Internet, I know you’re still here, and I love you. I’ve been quiet, but I’ve been working behind the scenes, diligently, trying to get things back in order so I can write more smut. I miss writing smut. Do you miss reading my smut writing?
And hello out there in person too! I’ve been teaching so many things in person these days. I feel stronger about my teaching skills, but I am definitely still learning. After eight workshops in seven days in February, I feel like I’m starting to feel like I’m getting closer to my 10,000 hours of teaching. (Ten thousand hours is actually about ten years, so goes the theory, and I’ve only been teaching sexuality and gender for about five years, but I did train to be a writing teacher ten years ago, so maybe my ten thousand hours are probably close to complete.)
Here’s where I’ll be in the coming weeks, and what’s going on for me this summer.
- Tuesday, March 26 – Smith College, Northampton, MA — Radical & Responsible Gender workshop
- Wednesday, March 27 – Oh My! Sensuality Shop, Northampton, MA — Cock Confidence workshop
- Friday, March 29 — Wellesley, near Boston, MA — Fucking with Gender workshop
- Saturday, March 30 — The Center for Sexual Pleasure and Health, Pawtucket, RI — Talking Dirty workshop
And then, the big news is that on Monday, April 1st, I’ve got a one-way ticket to San Francisco. I’ll be there for April and May, and then I’ll be heading to Alaska to visit family for June and July. I’ll be back in the Bay Area in August, and then … honestly, I’m not sure what will happen after that. I hope between now and then I’ll find a plan. If you feel inspired to donate to me as I restart and recalibrate and transition into a new incarnation of myself, and figure out what the hell I’m going to do with Sugarbutch and my heart, that would be incredibly helpful.
Here’s the rest of my summer schedule:
- April 7-12, University of Tennesee Knoxville, Sex Week! … And there’s so much to say about that that I’m going to start another post.
- April 18-21, San Francisco — International Ms Leather competition — I’ll be one of the judges!
- April 23-28, San Francisco — Urban Tantra training with Barbara Carrellas
- April 30 – University of Wisconsin in Madison, WI – Fucking with Gender workshop
- May 17-19, New York City – Body Electric’s Celebrating the Body Erotic for Women
- June 14-16, Anchorage, AK – Northern Exposure kink conference
- July 21, Albuquerque, NM – Owning Your Birthday Suit workshop, details TBA
- July 24-28, Albuquerque, NM – Body Electric’s annual Pulse advanced women’s retreat
- August 16-18, San Francisco, CA — BUTCH Voices National Conference
… After that, I’m not sure. I’m taking a leap of faith and trusting that I’ll figure it out along the way. I’m kind of looking for a job, at least maybe a part-time something, to get my feet back under me and have more consistency.
I was walking home the other day, and my neighbor, this small bald Puerto Rican guy with a handlebar mustache who I’ve made friends with over the five years I’ve lived here, said to me, “Haven’t seen you lately! Where you been?”
“I’ve been traveling, working,” I said. “I’m moving in April, actually.”
He said, “You’re moving!? Where you going?”
“To California,” I said, not wanting to go into the longer story of I’m-not-sure-Alaska-who-knows-about-the-fall.
“California!” he exclaimed, and proceeded to rant a little about how high the rent is in New York. I agreed.
“Well, I hope you have a happier, easier life out there in the California sunshine,” he offered. I teared up. I really hope I have a happier, easier life out there, too. And thanks, universe, for sending me a little reminder of the pleasure of my new adventure.
Change of place is often the balm that I need to take care of myself. Even though I hear that moving is a common stressor-it has always soothed me. It gives my constantly thinking brain a place to focus on the everyday, the simple, the new-while I deeply process my scary, sad or hard spots. When traveling or in transition of place, I find myself nesting or searching for nesting opportunities and it is this kind of self-care that allows my thoughts to relax into a soft enough place that I can hold them in wonder.
All the best to you in the next few months.
“If you feel inspired to donate to me as I restart and recalibrate and transition into a new incarnation of myself, and figure out what the hell I’m going to do with Sugarbutch and my heart, that would be incredibly helpful.”
Your work is so important and you have positively touched so many lives, I am indeed inspired to donate. What’s the best way? (The donate button tucked in a quiet corner on your website didn’t work for me…)
Hey Miz b.—I’d love that and really appreciate it. You can paypal, or if you’d like a mailing address for a check I will be glad to email that to you. Email me at the same address and I’ll get my PO Box to you. And thank you :)
Yes, missing you writing the smut!
You are a very mean person to be leaving NYC right after I get here.
Why the move? Hope everything’s okay with you and Kristen!
You’ve mentioned several times that SF and the west coast feel better to you than NYC – I’m excited for you! I agree with whoever above said moving can be productive as well as stressful – for me a major move is like pressing a reset button on my life. What a great way to open a new chapter in your life!