What’s your relationship with sugarbutch.net and Sinclair?
Keep doing what you are doing. I know you have had a tough run of it lately, but I admire you for staying true to who you are, what you want/need, and wearing your scars for everyone to see.
— PolyAnna/Josette Sheridan, http://lookingthrough.us/
What advice would you give your younger self about sex, gender, or relationships?
2. Don’t even bother trying to date somebody who isn’t kinky; it’s not going to work.
3. Being attracted to trans men, after some years of only being into butch women, is okay and doesn’t change your fundamental self. You can still keep your queer card and just love who you love. Most of your ex-girlfriends will eventually turn into men, anyway.
4. If you’re in a D/s relationship with someone who breaks down your self-esteem and violates your boundaries, that’s not D/s: that’s abuse. Even if they buy you shiny presents.
— Anne Campbell, https://www.facebook.com/riverbend
—Cathlin Star, http://cathlinstar.blogspot.com/
And then I would give her a hug and tell her that it was going to be ok.
— Clara S., http://thethirdrose.tumblr.com
— Tonja Hewlett, https://www.facebook.com/EnterprisingFae
What one resource has had the most impact on you, and why?
Maybe this is just as much about the book as the editor…. I’ve met Joan (she lives in Melbourne, Australia) and her partner Dianne and find her to be such a valuable elder to have in the community. I love the way her writing is so political, and that class and race are made so relevant. I also love that although Butch-Femme influences her whole life, it’s not in such predictable ways and has changed and morphed as she’s gotten older/grown.
Shes so involved in movements around Israel/Palestine and I see her out at refugee rallies monthly. She’s so engaged with the younger queer community here still and puts in so much time, for this and many other reasons I really respect her and she has taught me a lot. <3
In an attempt to look more queer and attract more attention from people that I thought I wanted I really played down my femme side to look as “queer” as possible so I guess I’d like to tell my younger self that there would be someone who would love your femme side and wouldn’t read you as any less queer for it. More specifically, would know all the ways that you were sexy just for her.
—Cricket, http://beatingthebinary.tumblr.com
—Kachina Addison, http://www.facebook.com/kachina.addison