This site contains explicit writings on kink practices, dominant/submissive relationships, and queer kink erotica (among other things). All characters in role play or non-consent scenes are consenting adults. Content warnings are included.
I’ve reached a new goal in Patreon where I’m beginning to offer monthly D/s webinars for the folks who are pledging $5+ over on Patreon.
Fourth Saturday of the Month
10am-12noon PT / 1-3pm ET
It’s been exciting! We’ve done four so far. The one in December, 2018, was a condensed version of a workshop that rife and I have done many places called The Protocol Game, about building 52 protocol based on a “training wheel” that you make for yourself, and then you pull one random protocol each week for a year. It’s great to do for submissives who either don’t have a dominant or whose dominant doesn’t control their protocol that way, or for dominants who want to get better at self-control and discipline.
rife & I did a walk-through of how we created our first Protocol Game and explained it here, in case you’re interested in building that for yourself.
January’s webinar will be Fundamentals of Dominance
Saturday, January 26, 2019
10am-12pm PT / 1pm-3pm ET
Here’s how to join the webinars:
- Head over to my page on Patreon,
- Sign up for one of the $5 or more tiers. You’ll get other gifts, too, not just the webinars!
- You’ll receive email notifications in the days coming up to the webinar with the links on how to join!
Yes, the webinars will be recorded, so patrons can watch it later if they cannot access it live. And, they can access all of the past webinars!
There will be different D/s workshop every month
rife won’t always be able to join me, and it won’t always be on the 4th Saturday of the month, but the patrons will be notified in advance of the dates. As soon as I have a schedule worked out, I’ll release a few months in advance, with the dates and topics.
Topic wise, I will do some more classes on power dynamics that rife and I have already taught, and some new ones … and I’m thinking about Submissive Playground, too.
Would you come to Submissive Playground if I broke it up over four webinars?
I’m thinking I’ll break the course down and do one unit per webinar, for four webinars, every other month. So one month will be Bondage, then Discipline, then Service, then Masochism. $5+ patrons will have access to all the course materials, and if they want individual sessions with me or for me to go over their homework, that’ll be an add-on.
It’d make the course much more affordable than it was before. (The $5 level on Patreon is per-thing, not per-month, though, remember, so it’s actually about $25/month. Still, $25 webinar is less than I have done any of these in the past.)
I’d love to know what other D/s topics or classes you’d like!
So far, I have these requests:
- Codependence & D/s
- Stepping up your D/s (beginner->intermediate)
- D/s and Open Relationships
- Dom drop tips
- D/s when you don’t live together / long distance
The classes rife & I are working on are:
- The Art of Ownership
- Queer Non-Binary D/s
- Powerful Submission, Vulnerable Dominance
- Take, Allow, Serve, Accept
- Doctor D/s
- Up the D/s Escalator: Trust & Limits